About the Car |
Status |
Totaled |
VIN on File |
Year |
1995 |
Number |
0317 |
Model |
Firehawk Formula |
Body Type |
GM Build Date |
Unknown |
Firehawk Formula Build Date |
Unknown |
About the Owner |
Unknown Owner |
Car Notes |
HI I was owner... of #317 1995 black fh slp fact. car. i am looking for the detail info. but i have great pix of it's demise. my ex boy f. totalled it in the rain on 3-7-96 I was crushed............. It was an awesome car. i only had it 5 months!!!!! he was doin 90 some mph on wet road. ( I begged hinm to slow down. but men!!! think they can do anything... sorta attitude came out..... ugh ) and a truck pulled over in front of us and he move to L shoulder to keep fro m hitting truck and when we hit the shoulder we starting spinning we did i think 2- 360's and hit the retaining wall then slid down it.... NO air bags came out........ we werent hurt luckly - im not sure how. anyway it bent the drivers side seat the stearing wheel ect.... i will scan pic and find my info and try to post to your site... it was sold at auction but i have no clue where or to whom it was wrecked in annapolis, md
i miss that car so much i hope to buy another one day...... i use to belong to your group too take care lisa jonas |
SLP Options |
No Options Found
GM Options |
No Options Found
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